Women’s Day Retreat • March 8, 2025 • 10am-2pm

Would you like to learn to walk more closely with God during the season of Lent? Share in this time with other women of all ages who feel that tug as well and perhaps make new friends as a bonus! Discipleship Ministries is offering a Women’s Day Retreat on March 8 by Belly of the Whale ministries in Wesley Hall.

The Rev. Sharon Garner, a member of the United Methodist Spiritual Directors and Retreat Leaders, will guide participants through the two-hour session: A Lenten Practice of Pilgrimage. Lunch and games will bring some added joy to the day! Together we will integrate the theme of pilgrimage into a forty-day plan for gently and gracefully walking through Lent.

The cost is $15. Come, be a part of this Women’s Day Retreat at Fountain City UMC!

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