At Fountain City UMC, we have a thriving congregation made up of folks from all different walks of life, and we strive to offer something for everyone on Sunday mornings. We are committed to meet you where you are and to find ways to plug you into our church body in real, engaging, significant ways. It’s all a part of our mission to make disciples and change lives, whether it be through one of our adult Sunday school classes or small groups, our children’s ministry, or our student ministry, we have something for everyone. Visit our Welcome Center on Sunday mornings for more information.
Sunday Morning Adult Discipleship 9:45 AM – 10:45 AM
Christian Homebuilders • Room 137
Christian Homebuilders began over 50 years ago as a young married couples’ class and has evolved into a class of over 70 members, married and single, whose ages range from 60 and up. We pray and care for each other, and we have fun together, with four social get-togethers each year. We are especially proud of our mission outreach, including support of foreign missionaries and national and local families and causes. W e welcome new members.
Cornerstone • Room 205
We consist of married couples and singles in our 30s to 40s. We’re a very social, service-oriented group. Our class is very relaxed and informal. Discussions on Bible study incorporate current social issues that make the Bible relevant and engaging. We focus on making our relationship with God the Cornerstone of our lives.
Discovery Bible • Room 112
This class is an in-depth Bible study open to anyone who desires a deeper study of the Scriptures and how they apply to our lives today. The class consists of couples and singles, and has continuous outreach to the Net, Emerald Youth Foundation and Lost Sheep Ministries, and other important outreaches.
F.O.C.U.S • Room 210
We are a group of believers focused on becoming better disciples of Christ. Fellowship &prayer concerns are vital parts of our time together. Our main focus is studying the Bible using the Adult Bible Studies Series as our guide. Our class is very mission minded, supporting local, district, & international projects. We support these endeavors through our annual Tamale sales. All are welcome!
The Damascus Class • Room 138
It was on the road to Damascus where the apostle Paul encountered the resurrected Christ in a life- and mission-altering way. Likewise, this class seeks to learn what it means to experience Jesus and follow Him at His word, in ways that will change our relationships, our communities, and our lives.
Insight • Room 107
We are a diverse collection of folks searching for insights into God’s presence &guidance in our lives &in the world. Insight is a safe &caring forum to ask questions, share our burdens with each other, &to build community. We engage each other with scripture &inquiry in ways that challenge us to grow into a deepening relationship with God. Come one, come all!
Journey Into Discipleship • Room 135
This class is a podcast & discussion-based group focusing on spiritual gifts and how we grow disciples. Co-ed, open door, all ages, all walks of life.
Open Door Class • Room 111
We are a group of believers seeking to learn & understand more about our faith through Bible study, discussion, fellowship, &application in our daily lives. We strive to serve through sponsoring individuals in need, shut-in visitation and fund-raising. Our door is open to all!
Pairs & Spares • Room 106
As its name suggests, the Pairs &Spares class is made up of married couples and singles. The class studies the Bible foundations to deal with Christian issues in everyday life. The class is a warm fellowship that joins in outreach projects, support activities, and social occasions as well.
Seekers • Room 203
Seekers is made up of folks from their 30’s to 50+. We have members who are new to FCUMC and some that grew u p here. Historically, the class picks books from the Bible for in-depth studies. Lessons are very much interactive with discussions.
Whobodies • Room 206
We are focused on caring for each other and our community. The name comes from a children’s book, “Whobody There.” Missions include a targeted outreach to single mothers, food pantry support, &work with Wesley House senior adults. The class uses lectionary Bible studies and other sources of study materials.
Women’s Thrive Group • Room 102
The Women’s Thrive class is a multigenerational/diverse group of women who are striving to grow in their faith. Our goal is to choose study materials that will help us strengthen our understanding of God and his will for our lives. We feel that through building our faith we are growing in our walk with God—which is essential to having an abundant life. Our current study is Max Lucado’s book, You Were Made for This Moment—a study of the book of Esther. We are growing, and just added some more chairs! Come visit us this Sunday! We are located on the back hallway in room 102/Prayer Room, back and to the left of the sanctuary.