North Knoxville Warming Center at Fountain City UMC
Need help?
• The warming center is open on nights when temperatures drop below 25 degrees (according to the National Weather Service).
• Check-in is from 9 p.m. -10 p.m. and is first come, first serve.
• Pets are not allowed.
• The warming center closes at 7 a.m.
• Our location is 212 Hotel Road, Knoxville, TN. Come to the parking lot near Fountain City Lake. Follow signs to the appropriate door

Want to volunteer?
• Join our volunteer team.
• Volunteers will have a 3-day advance notification.
Warming Center Training and Videos
If you have watched the North Knoxville Warming Center Training video, participated in an in-person training, or have read over the FCUMC North Knoxville Training Workbook, you can sign up for a shift.
Trauma Responsive: This 20-min video discusses how we can be a trauma-responsive community. We have partnered with Harmony Family Center and Cokesbury United Methodist Church to deepen our compassion and be a supportive community for anyone experiencing trauma.
Recognizing Overdose: This 10-minute video guides you on how to assist someone who may be experiencing an overdose. More information can be found at Tennessee State Naloxone Training. Narcan is available in our first aid kit, located in the kitchen.
North Knoxville Warming Center Training: This 30-minute training will familiarize you with the space and procedures of the North Knoxville Warming Center.
FCUMC North Knoxville Training Workbook: This document will give you an overview of what is expected of you as a volunteer. Watching the training video or reading this document is required as a volunteer.
Shift Responsibilities: This document will help you see more details about the shift for which you volunteer. This document may differ slightly from the one you will receive when you arrive. We are continually improving our processes!
Thank you so much for your generous support! At this time, we are no longer accepting in-kind donations except for shelf-stable food items.
Financial gifts are always welcomed. Your contributions make a real difference in our community and we’re incredibly grateful.
Breakfast/ granola bars
Protein bars
Peanut butter crackers
Pop tarts
Fruit cups
Peanut butter-single serve
Ground coffee
Coffee filters
Sweetener (sugar, Splenda, Sweet & Low)
Cups-paper & Styrofoam
Food donations can be delivered to Fountain City United Methodist Church’s main office, Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m., or to the Welcome Center during worship services.