Youth Ministry
From faith-building to fun activities, we have something for every student: Sunday school, Wednesday night youth group, Tuesday morning Chick-fil-A Bible study, Tuesay Night Crosswalk and our Sunday night small group!
Throughout the year, our students will go on retreats, participate in Confirmation, participate in mission trips, and go to Resurrection, an annual weekend retreat filled with worship and spiritual growth for youth and youth mentors. At FCUMC, we aim to help students continue their relationships with Jesus Christ and grow in Christian community with each other. We teach students that they are loved, valued, and seen by God. We also remind students that Jesus desires to have a relationship with them, no matter their circumstances. Our youth group has incredible leaders who help our students navigate their faith and personal journeys. All students are welcome; we believe each person has a seat at God’s table.
We use the Orange Curriculum. Orange is an incredible resource that provides topics that are relevant to students. Navigating a faith and spiritual journey can be difficult as a teen. However, Orange does a fantastic job of providing tools and resources that help reflect God’s goodness. Through conversation and small groups, we discuss how God is active in our lives and how we are called to love those around us.
Check out the Middle School Curriculum. Check out the High School Curriculum.

All students are invited to join us from 9:45-10:40 a.m. in room B17. Students then travel to the service they attend with their families.
Crosswalk students meet from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in room B17. Our incredible leaders provide a wonderful atmosphere where students feel seen and included. We would love for you to join us!
The youth group meets in the NET room, located through the sanctuary and beside the choir room, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. immediately following our fellowship meal.

Chick-fil-A Bible Study
We meet every Tuesday morning from 7:30-8:10 a.m. Join us before school for a prayerful way to start your day!
The address for Chick-fil-A is 5100 N Broadway St, Knoxville, TN 37918.
High School Bible Study on Sunday Nights
We meet from 6:30-8:00 p.m. on Sunday nights for a unique youth Bible study.
A church family hosts us in their home for this spiritual and uplifting time together. Ask Austin for the address.

I'm New
We are so happy you’re here! Please enter at the Welcome Center door (door 3). This door is accessible on Wednesday night and Sunday morning. Ask someone at the Welcome Center to find Austin Weaver and he will get your student introduced to our youth group!
I Want To Volunteer
Contact Austin Weaver to see how you can get plugged in!
For any of our off-campus events, a medical release form is necessary for participation.
Confirmation is a twelve-week study that will begin on February 23, 2025 for baptized Christians to publicly reaffirm their baptismal vows and be welcomed into full membership in the church. Confirmation is a time for people to make a commitment to Christian discipleship and to play a full part in the church. All students are welcome to participate.