Ashley Garren
Financial Assistant
I am blessed to have years of church ministry and administrative experience which allows me to serve here at Fountain City UMC. During high school, I received the call to work in the field of ministry. This has enabled me during my career to view positions, both business and church related, as more than a job. It’s truly a ministry and I am committed to helping people and serving God at work and in all aspects of my life.
I grew up in Knoxville and am a graduate of the University of Tennessee with a double major in Psychology and Religious Studies, and a minor in Sport Management. Go Vols! I met my husband, Anthony, in a UTK class dedicated to helping children with disabilities. We have two children: Grace, who attends Wofford College, studying Environmental Studies and Education, and Grant, a middle school student at Gresham who is also a competitive diver. We have two dogs & five cats! I am fortunate to have my parents (I’m an only child!), Anthony’s mother, and my 91 year old grandmother here in Knoxville. We enjoy spending time and traveling with our family! We loves outdoor activities so you can find us somewhere under the sun!
My family is blessed to live in Fountain City, as well as worship and serve as volunteers at Fountain City UMC. Grace serves on the Fountian Kids staff, when in town, Anthony serves on the Journey/CR Tech Team, and I love helping in the Nursery! Jesus is everywhere and in everything, from the most divine moments of our lives to the smallest everyday details.