DID YOU KNOW? That your personal donations to KARM Thrift Stores can further the ministry of “making disciples and changing lives” at Fountain City United Methodist Church?

Corners Of Your Field is a partnership between FCUMC and Knox Area Rescue Ministries. Corners Of Your Field encourages FCUMC church members to be intentional about selecting their gently used household items for donation to KARM Stores. The stores then return a portion of the value of these items in the form of gift cards to FCUMC to help those directly in our care. We encourage you to donate items to KARM and mention FCUMC. During the months of October-December, KARM Stores received 206 donations from people who mentioned “Fountain City United Methodist Church” at donation drop-off, which in turn gave the church $500 in KARM gift cards!

How does this partnership work?
The process is quite simple.
· Individuals or families donate their gently used items to KARM Stores
· The KARM Stores employee serving them will ask the name of your church.
· FCUMC will receive gift cards to KARM Stores quarterly for distribution to those in need.
Donors can take advantage of a tax-deduction with every gift to KARM Stores.

We hope as a church we can help change lives when we share resources by donating to KARM Stores and then giving the KARM gift cards to those in need.

The Corners Of Your Field partnership allows each of us to leverage our strengths – your relationships through Fountain City United Methodist Church and our financial resources of gift cards plus local thrift stores – to meet tangible needs.

More information on KARM Corners of your Field >

Check out this video introduction to Corners of your Field.