Rev. Rachel Collins was ordained an Elder in Full Connection at the 2024 Holston Annual Conference. She completed her seminary studies at Candler School of Theology, Emory University in 2021. As 2017 graduate of the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, Rachel holds a Bachelor of Science in Organic and Sustainable Agriculture. She completed a certification through the United Methodist Committee on Relief as a Certified EarthKeeper and focused on Eco-theology in Seminary. Rachel has a particular passion for food security ministries and believes it to be one of the areas where faith communities can make an important community impact.
Rachel relishes the various duties of an elder, finding that creative worship and faith community building are some of her favorites. Rachel is the daughter of the Rev. Dr. Tony and Susan Collins. She also has four brothers, and nine nieces and nephews. Rachel enjoys hiking, camping, growing things, baseball, reading, and cooking, particularly baking. Rachel shares, “I look ahead to all that God will work in our midst with a great deal of joy and anticipation as I serve alongside Rev. Hanshew as part of the faith community at Fountain City!”